
I don’t remember talking about how much i love food in the Introducing Leslie  Yarro but , i do, food is my life!!! ( With out food I wouldn’t get a job,i wouldn’t be happy, i would’t sleep, i wouldn’t brush my teeth, i wouldn’t……………………….you know what let me relax and think about something else before i go crazy!!!!) Yesterday I was discussing with one of my teachers what i was able to cook. Because of my love for food i learned how to cook many things. I know how to cook meatball, soup, seasoning that lots of people love, french fries (Did i mention that french was my first language ) (I guess i didn’t say lots of things about me in introducing Leslie Yarro) chicken, eggs and more maybe one day i will give one of my moms recipes (yea that is what i will do ,thx to Ms.Ucles for giving me the food idea) I don’t remember when i started to cook but it is a pretty long time ago. Back in the old days i would always help my mom cook but NOW she says me and my sister has to cook and that she will the next time there is no food. This is her saying (it sounds better in french but i tried my best to translate it ) It’s nice to have girls like yall who knows how to cook!!!! Other then that we also bake. My sis and I started it because we always looked online to bake things that didn’t require a lot of work or heat. we found things that didn’t need to be cooked with heat (We thought it was nasty to not use heat……………………………………………..we never used or consider those recipes) but we then decide to bake chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies and one day we even baked a cake!!!!     My mom didn’t think our baking skills were too bad soo she started baking herself (sometimes we helped) Til  this day now we know how to make our own frosting (DELICIOUS)

One thought on “!!!!!!FOOD!!!!!!

  1. Wow! I had no idea that you were quite the cook! I also didn’t know that French was your first language. That is awesome!

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