How/When Does Life Offer You THE Perfect Moment?!?!?!?!?!?

A perfect moment is when you have that strong feeling inside that you don’t always feel, perhaps when you spend time with family and friends. (Like going to the Cinema or the Carnival  or even something simple like having a Pool Party) You have a strong feeling that you won something that you have never won before or when you feel like that day is YOUR day. And the best part is it happens at any time!!!!!                         This is true because it doesn’t always happen and usually is something small like, doing a prank or something and it turns out exactly the way you were expecting. Or simply just throwing something somewhere and it lands on the perfect spot or angle but when you try and do it again it won’t work the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For example in the book Percy Jackson, Percy  was really powerful but he didn’t know who his dad was until his dad gave him a clue at the right time because he was being bullied. It turn out to be one of three brothers. (The dad was a fiction god)                                                                   That made me think of the movie Spy Kids in which they had a couple of perfect moments but my favorite was when they escaped from the home with the talking dog that guide them through. They escaped in the fire place that lead them to the vehicle that could fly. I liked it because i really thought they were going to die at the  beginning of the movie!!!                                                                                                                               I wounder how sad the world would be without perfect moments but hey it is nice to be surprised once in a while!

One thought on “How/When Does Life Offer You THE Perfect Moment?!?!?!?!?!?

  1. Nice job! I like the personal examples that you included, the book example and the movie example. Nice wondering!

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